GGM KITIP24xx-48xx - Startup Wizard

Ändrad den Fre, 3 nov., 2023 vid 10:28 F.M.

Startup Wizard


Valid for those references :

  • GGM NVRL0104 
  • GGM NVRL0104P
  • GGM NVRL0108P 
  • GGM NVR0208P
  • GGM NVR0216P
  • GGM NVR02168P
  • GGM NVR8
  • GGM NVR16
  • GGM NVR32
  • GGM NVRE0104P
  • GGM NVRE0108P


Caution : For any configuration, you need to connect an HDMI display device directly to the back of the recorder (Monitor or TV) 

Password : 1st Use

For the first time when you run the NVR, you must be required to set your own password immediately in order to protect your privacy. Please be sure to record your username and password and save them in a secure place.




Startup Wizard

Startup Wizard will help to configure the system and get the NVR works quickly.


Click the Start Wizard to proceed to the next step.




Network Configuration 

If you connect to a router allows to use DHCP, please check the DHCP box. The router will assign automatically all the network parameters for your NVR. Unless the network is manually addressed below parameters:

  • IP address
  • Subnet Mask
  • Gateway
  • DNS1/DNS2
  • Web Port
  • Client Port
  • RTSP Port
  • UPNP


Date & Time : 

This menu allows you to configure the Date, Time, Date Format, Time Format, Time Zone, NTP and DST.



NTP stands for Network Time Protocol. This feature allows you to synchronize the date and time automatically on the NVR over Internet. Therefore, the NVR needs to be connected to the Internet.




DST DST stands for Daylight Savings Time. Enable if Daylight Saving Time (DST) is observed in your region.






Disk :

If the HDD is installed in the NVR for the first time, it must be formatted. Select the HDD and then click Format HDD button to format the HDD.

OverwriteUse this option to overwrite the old recordings on the HDD when the HDD is full.

For example, if you choose the option 7 days then only the last 7 days recordings are kept on the HDD.

To prevent overwriting any old recordings, select Disable. If you have disabled this function, please check the HDD status regularly, to make sure the HDD is not full.


Resolution : 

Choose an output resolution matches to your monitor. The NVR supports to adjust the output resolution automatically to match the best resolution of your monitor when the system is starting up.









Mobile :

If your NVR come with a P2P ID, you can scan the QR code with your mobile app to view the NVR remotely.



Summary :

You can check the system summary information you had set in the start wizard and finish the wizard.

Tick “Don't show this window next timeif you don’t want to display Start Wizard when system reboot next time. Click Finish button to save & exit.




Your system is now configured !

Click to download this document 

Download User Manual 

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