[2022] - Setting PUSH notifications in the GGM VIEW application

Ändrad den Fre, 12 aug., 2022 vid 10:57 F.M.

Here is a tutorial to enable alarms by notification on your GGM VIEW Application :

First of all you have to click on this icon on the top left.

Then we will activate the notifications in the settings, for this you must click on «The notifications».

Once in the Menu, click on the parameter icon at the top right.


Then click the button to change it to “green” (1), then enter the menu (2) to set the notifications.

Now activate the type of notifications you want.

To finalize the settings, please go to “Remote Setting”

Then click on “Push Alarm Calendar” and select the “Push” Type. 

After that, adjust the calendar according to your needs, by clicking on «Setting» in the top right.

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