[Utility] Use the UNIVIEW Storage Calculator

Ändrad den Ons, 25 jan., 2023 vid 11:51 F.M.



This Tool allows you to know the storage capacity for recording, according the number of cameras and help you to find the Hard Disk to use


First, you must download the EZtools 2.0 tool at the following link:   https://www.uniview.com/Support/Download_Center/Tool/201502/787314_168459_0.htm 

(Choose the 2nd link  « EZTools 2.0 »


Then install it.


Launch the application (you can choose to put in French, be careful to restart the application for the language to change.)






Then press “calculate” and add a device by clicking on “add” with the features you want to have the information you want. 





You can then choose to know either the number of days you are able to record by choosing “Calculate the number of days” and entering the capacity of your disk.






 or the number of disks you will need. always by choosing your personal settings. 




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