[2022 Hardware Reset] - GGM KITIP24xx-48xx - Forgot your password

Modificado el Lun, 11 Jul, 2022 a 11:48 A. M.

Valid for those references 2022 :

  • GGM NVRL0104 
  • GGM NVRL0104P
  • GGM NVRL0108P 

Depending on your recorder model, if you have a RESET Button on the back of your recorder :  

This button can be used with a paperclip, toothpick to reset your password

Press 3 seconds, then, a new pop-up appears to create new password and confirm it

Caution : Only used for GUI - You need to connect a monitor directly ont he back of you NVR


If yo don't have a RESET Button on the back of your recorder, please follow this article : 

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