Smart Function : How to set up Perimeter Intrusion Detection ?

Modificado el Mar, 14 Feb, 2023 a 11:13 A. M.

Valid for the range of GIGAMEDIA IP recorders *

Curent Range :


Step 1 : Enable Perimeter Intrusion Detection Function ? (PID)

Main Menu / Configuration then / AI 

Choose PID tab and the camera you want : 

- Enable the function

- Adjust Sensitivity According the Subject

- Choose the type of detection: Human, car,...

- Draw the area on the thumbnail and enable the rule

Step 2 : Enable recording function in schedule

- Choose the AI schedule tab

- Choose the camera you want and Enable

- Choose PID and draw on the Schedule


Playback with GGM VIEW App:

Find AI Button :

Select the Line Crossing logo then Human Search


* Depending on the model and firmware version used.

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