How to configure Multi-SSID on GIGAMEDIA Access Points ?

Ändrad den Fre, 12 aug., 2022 vid 3:10 E.M.

Before start  :

WiFi Access Point [LAN] - AP Mode Setup (Access Point) - LAN Method

WiFi Access Point - AP Mode Setup (Access Point) - WiFi Method

Repeater Mode setup with GIGAMEDIA Access Point Wi-Fi


Example with GGM WAPCD3 : 

After configuring your terminal you will need to access the settings accessible via the advanced button

For the start you will need to create a Virtual AP so for that you have to select the frequency band that is used (2.4Ghz or 5Ghz)



You can then select the parameters of your Virtual AP (password via the encryption mode or name via the SSID)

And finally you have to create vlans in order to be able to separate the networks.

You will be able to select your AP and position it in the VLAN-ID (the VLAN number that will be used)




For more information about VLAN, please visit :

GGM GS200xx - Example of VLAN Configuration - Trunk and Internet

[GGM GS200 Range] - How to create MAC address-based Vlan


You can also add security by allowing MAC addresses (Allow list) or denying them (Deny list)







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