GGM WAPAX1800 – How to configure Access Point Mode

Endret Fri, 23 Aug ved 11:39 AM

GGM WAPAX1800 – How to configure Access Point Mode

Valid for the following references

  • GGM WAPAX1800
  • GGM WAPAX3600
  • GGM WAPEXT1800


Requirment :


This product must be powered and connected via RJ45 to your network (router, Modem/Internet Box).

You must be able to use the terminal's administration interface with a PC.

Default IP address:

Your network card of your PC must be on the same network as the terminal

Go to your “network and sharing center” on your computer -> “change card settings”

Right click on the LAN network card (Local Area Connection) -> Properties -> Double click on internet protocol version 4 (IPV4)

Then enter an IP address different from the factory IP of the terminal in order to be in its “subnet” 

You can use the IP address range between and




WEB browser Method


Launch a web browser and type

Use admin as your password to log in.


Choose Menu on the left-> Wizard

Choose  AP Mode


Step 1 : LAN Settings

Assign an administration IP address to your terminal. We advise you to use a static IP address (specific to your network or keep the default one:

Warning: If you add several WIFI terminals in your network, each terminal will have a different administration IP address.

Step 2 : Creating your WIFI network

  • SSID: Name of your WIFI network
  • Encrypt: Choose the most advanced encryption mode
  • Password: WIFI security key

Depending on the model, you will be able to configure your terminal on the 2 frequency bands (2.4Ghz & 5Ghz)réation de votre réseau WIFI


Here  2,4Ghz :



Here 5Ghz :  



After restarting, your device is now ready to use


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