GGM KITAX2DS - Access control central update - V4.5

Modificado em Mon, 18 Nov, 2024 em 10:51 AM

Please find attached the update file for your access control central.

File to be unzipped.

To update via the web server :

  1. Go to the configuration page of the unit.

  2. At the bottom of the page, choose the update file .VBN provided with the browse button.

  3. Press the update button.

  4. An update window appears (the update takes between 1 to 2 minutes)

  5. At the end of the update, a confirmation window appears indicating the success of the update. Click OK.

To update via the SD card :

  1. Turn off the power to the unit.

  2. Remove the plastic cover and take out the SD card.

  3. Connect the SD card to your PC and copy the files contained in the SD/ folder directly to the root.

  4. Put the SD card back into the control unit and replace the plastic cover.

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