Adding a NAS (Network Attached Storage) to a GIGAMEDIA recorder

Modificado em Fri, 9 Ago, 2024 em 11:46 AM

Adding a NAS (Network Attached Storage) to a GIGAMEDIA recorder Une image contenant Appareils électroniques, Appareil électronique, conduire, ordinateur

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This procedure aims to add a NAS to a Gigamedia recorder via a wired network connection.


In our example, the brand of our NAS is Synology, and we know its IP address and the credentials (Login / Password) to access it. We will use the SMB protocol to perform this addition.


  1. NAS Configuration

First, create the shared folder that will receive the recording history:Une image contenant texte, logiciel, Icône d’ordinateur, Logiciel multimédia

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Next, enable the SMB service to allow sharing:

Une image contenant texte, logiciel, Icône d’ordinateur, Page web

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You need to increase the SMB range from SMB1 to SMB3:Une image contenant texte, logiciel, Icône d’ordinateur, capture d’écran

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GIGAMEDIA Recorder Configuration

We will use the web interface of the recorder

Menu Stockage / Disque / Add NetHDD


Specify the information for your NAS: 

  • Mounting Type: SMB/CIFS 
  • Username & Password: 
  • NAS IP Address 
  • Directory Name: /Shared folder name 
  • Disk Size: Allocated size


Une image contenant capture d’écran, logiciel, texte, Logiciel multimédia

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Then format the disk, and the NAS is operational:

Une image contenant logiciel, Logiciel multimédia, texte, Icône d’ordinateur

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The disk is now operational. It behaves in the same way as a local storage disk.


  • Option:

You can change the disk type based on your needs: Read/Write disk Redundant Disk Read-Only Disk



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