GGM NE08P - What are the DIP Switches on the front for?

Modificado el Vie, 14 Oct, 2022 a 9:19 A. M.

GGM NE08P switch has 3 DIP Switches on the front panel allowing specific functions to be activated. 

2 possible versions possibles : 

Version 1 => S, E, V

Version 2 => E, D, P

Version 1 :

  • DIP Switch in S = Standard PoE / PoE+ Mode 100m Max
  • DIP Switch in E = Enhanced PoE Mode to push the Power up to 200/250m // but with a speed limitation at 10Mbps (instead of 100Mbps)
  • DIP Switch in V = VLAN Mode on ports 1 -> 8 (Uplink excluded)

Version 2 :

  • DIP Switch E = Makes a vlan (sealing between 8 first and last) and allows to increase the range (max 250m) poe but suffers a loss of power
  • DIP Switch D = checks on the switch if there is a response of the ports via a ping and checks if the ports are powered otherwise, it restarts the port
  • DIP Switch P = Real-time power supply and power priority mode (prioritizes the first 8 ports)


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