Can I add an inverter to my videosurveillance system?

Endret Wed, 14 Aug ved 10:17 AM

Yes, we strongly advise you to add an inverter to your videosurveillance system to avoid electrical failures such as voltage drops, surtensions, cuts or micro-cuts, peaks, distortions...

You can contact your usual electrical distributor to choose your inverter and define your power needs.

How to calculate power requirement

1- Measure the consumption in Amperes, Watt or VA (Apparent Power) of your device

2- Choose an inverter with a higher power of about 20%.

If Ampere : V x 230 = VA

Ex : 7.5A x 230V = 1725 VA

If Watts : V / 0.7 = VA

Example for a GGM KITIP24C5MP or GGM NVRL0104P



No IRWith IR
No Camera~9W
Add 1 Camera13W15W
Add 2 Cameras15W18W
Add 3 Cameras18W21W
Add 4 Cameras21W27W

For 2 cameras : 18 / 0.7 = 25 VA

Example for GGM KITIP48C5MP or GGM NVRL0108P


No IRWith IR
No Camera~10W
Add 1 Camera12W15W
Add 2 Cameras15W20W
Add 3 Cameras18W26W
Add 4 Cameras21W31W

For 4 cameras : 31 / 0.7 = 44 VA

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