Wi-Fi Controller - GGM WC256AP– Enable a Wi-Fi Disable Range

Muokattu To, 13 Helmi klo 4:12 PM

Wi-Fi Controller - GGM WC256AP– Enable a Wi-Fi Disable Range



Thanks to your Wi-Fi controller, you have the possibility to disable Wi-Fi broadcasting during a specific time slot.

Example: Wi-Fi signal deactivation from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. 


AC Management menu  then AP configure Template then Edit (pencil button)



Find the WIFI Time off -> Switch to Open


Create the range for which the Wi-Fi signal will be disabled. Click Confirm 


Menu AP Management puis AP List

Select the APs and click Apply configuration template by choosing the group used.


The new configuration will be immediately active on your APs.



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