I can't export a video record with the Web Interface

Gewijzigd op Vr, 12 Aug, 2022 om 10:19 AM

First, please launch Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge in Administrator Mode (Righ click on the Application)

If you no longer have Internet Explorer you can activate the «Internet Explorer mode» in Edge by clicking on the menu in the upper right corner and clicking on the icon displayed here: 

Put you IP address of your recorder.

Then, login & Password and Validate

Go to "Local Settings" 

Finally, choose the different paths so that you can access them once saved.


Make sure you have write permissions on these directories. Then validate.

You should be able to export your video recordings without trouble.

Additional article for video export

GGM KITIP24xx-48xx - How to export a recording File to a USB Stick 

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